my visitor was in fact, a cat. a black cat with a white throat patch. i have seen this cat hang around before, and actually wander through my house on occasion as i've left the doors open. i have hoped that this cat would stay around for a while to keep the gopher population down and when it does hang around, the gophers seem to be fewer. i saw the cat tonight and it playfully jumped in the tall grass in an attempt of a pounce to get my attention. however there was no stalk before the pounce, so the ploy was just a play.
turning my back to attend to the sprinkler the cat ventured into my house and perused looking for food, though behaving itself for the most part. i offered it some water which it declined (silly cat) but accepted some petting and scratching. i did offer it some biscut that i had made earlier which it ate up in a moment or two. smiling i walked back inside and indulged my tastebuds on the rest of the biscut, but in short order the cat was by my feet then hopped onto my lap, careful not to dig it's claws into my legs. it nosed my hand looking for more biscut but had to settle for a back rub instead.

it left shortly after and when i walked outside to see where it went, there was no sign of it. gone, but looking up to the west i saw a sunset of amber clouds above the hill. i decided to go for a walk to the top of the hill with my camera to relish in the handiwork of God and set off without delay.
just a few steps off my yard and onto the wild hill yielded a small find, though trash to some, the fletched end of a lost arrow. but further up brought greater treasures, some seen, others not. a blast warm breeze seemed to flow into and through me, creating a greater awakening for what was to come.
the grass was not tall, perhaps 8 inches, and sparse, creating a meager existance through the blanket of dead stalks flattened by the past years' snow and rain. but even these stems poking through created a field of grace, dotted by a patchwork of yellows, whites, blues, and purples of the wildflowers still holding onto their full beauty. the walk up took me through a few small patches of rose hips, patches of white queen anne's lace, and yellow clusters of something i do not know. all blending together in a scene of eveningtide wonder. the yellows of the flowers brought brilliance to the increasing amber clouds, and the clouds to the flowers. the mountains, which

i gazed at the expanse around me, marveling at it all, then turned for the walk down before the darkness settled. i took in the wild beauty around me, the grasses and variety of flowers all fitting together. even the canada thistle with it's silvery white leaves and blue blossoms seemed to belong with this harmony on the hill. it seemed so peaceful, so calm and meant to be, n

getting back to my yard brought a chill breeze with the smell of clean air, not from the rain, but rather from my sprinkler. not an unpleasant breeze, but a reminder of the toils we chose to labor and be caught up in. but the beautiful contrast to make the former experience enjoyable and the knowledge that there is better to come.
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