Friday, January 23, 2009

highs, lows, and breaks

today was a long day, a looonnng day.

i got to work at 7 in the morning to make breakfast for the students, and though breakfast was great, the morning was a mess. one group of students was leaving at 8:30 to go to the mountain skiing, a second group was leaving at 8:45 for appointments in town, and two other groups were leaving at 10:30 for school and to visit a hot springs. i had to make two different breakfasts for two different times. and i was tired. then i had to do all the chore checking amidst it. it was a hassle, but i did get it all done . . . at 11:30.

it was at that time though that there was a good thing. one of the students completed her time at the program and got the joy of packing all her things to head home. this however was also a sad time as she was a friend to many of the other students.

i got to leave at 11:30 for a break before my evening shift. i went in at 3:30 to get an extra half hour to cook, and i used it to sharpen the knives there. that was a major improvement. thankfully, a few students came to help me and we had dinner go with no problem. the pizza's turned out great, and most all of it was gone at the end of the meal.

unfortunately it was right before the meal that i heard some bad news. there were a few injuries at the mountain. one student sprained their wrist, another popped something in her should, and another broke her arm! what a day! at least it was a clean simple break that will heal itself with imobilization.

after dinner i had the sad job of packing up a student's things. on a visit home over Christmas, she got surgery on her leg and the recovery time is going slowly, so it was decided for her to stay home and not return to the program. so myself and another student began to pack up all the things she had to send them back, and again this brought some hard feelings. i get to go back tomorrow and finish. i left work at 8:30 and just needed to get some sleep.

it's been a long day, and yes it has had it's moments, but the sun came up, went down, and shows no signs of discontinuing.

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